Chandlers Field

Primary School


A very warm welcome to our school; Chandlers Field Primary School.


We are a two-form entry school in Molesey with the most wonderful children and families. It is the same children that make Chandlers Field Primary School special; everybody who walks through our school notices how amazing our children are. They are beautifully behaved, well-mannered and aspirational. They enjoy learning and are proud to be part of the school and they have a voice in the running of the school through our active school councillors.

If you are reading this I hope it is because you are interested in our school. If you don’t find what you want on our website please do contact the school office, and we will be pleased to help you.

If you are looking for a school place for your child, either in our mainstream school or in our COIN unit, do read on and then contact us to arrange a visit to see the school in person, for yourself.

Our school is a place where the children are always at the heart of decisions we make, ensuring the children are confident, curious, happy individuals. We are a caring school where the children are warmly received by everyone and encouraged, throughout their time with us, to aim high and engage with all the opportunities the school offers. Our curriculum also reflects this; Talk for Writing, Maths No Problem and Mind up are all used very successfully. Wherever possible we celebrate diversity and always promote mutual respect.

Our staff work hard and are committed to giving the children the best education they can get.   As a research-informed school, we value continued professional development for all staff and invest in this so we can all give our children the best.

As a school we want you as parents and carers to be involved in your child’s journey through our school as we firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and value your interest and support. Hearing your child read at home, talking to them about their day all help with the learning journey.

Together we can make an even bigger difference.

Our COIN unit opened in September 2021 and welcomes children with communication and interaction needs. The application process is separate to the main school, but visits are arranged through the school office. The children are able to access the main school, and we are proud to have them as part of our school community.

Mr G. Macaulay

Head Teacher 



High Street, West Molesey
Surrey, KT8 2LX

T: 020 8224 4731