Chandlers Field

Primary School


At Chandlers Field, we have a mixture of class, whole-school, faith, and singing assemblies.  

Assemblies from faith groups take place every Wednesday morning and alternate between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  These assemblies are largely run by the PAIS team from St Peter's West Molesey; however, all faith groups are welcome to run an assembly.  Whole-school assemblies alternate between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 on a Wednesday morning and are based on British Values as well as supporting the children's personal development and understanding on topics such as road safety, water safety, citizenship and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Class assemblies include discussions on world and national news, feedback from School Councillors following School Council Meetings, and upcoming events and news from within the school.

Singing assemblies take place every Friday morning, and contain a wide variety of songs and music.  The music chosen is aimed at widening the children's cultural experience and appreciation of diverse composers and compositions.  Children will also at times learn to sign songs using Makaton, and will learn a variety of traditional and modern songs.  Singing assemblies do not specifically focus on any religious faith; however, across the year children may sing songs that reflect various religious festivals such as Diwali, Easter, and Christmas.  

We encourage all children to respect those with a religious faith as well as those with none. No child is required to participate in any religious aspect of an assembly if they do not wish to.  You may request to withdraw your child from assemblies if you wish to.  If this is the case, please contact the school office or your child's class teacher with the reasons why, in order to consider your request.


High Street, West Molesey
Surrey, KT8 2LX

T: 020 8224 4731