Home Learning
Autumn Term Weekly Assembly Certificate Winners
These are some of the MindUp activities that are available through their website. We follow this mindfulness approach at school and it really helps the children in concentration, calmness and anxiety.
Home Learning during the normal academic year
Our children work very hard during the school day. We recognise that whilst some families want their child to continue to do school work at home we understand that this puts additional pressure on the children. Research has shown that homework has minimal impact on children’s attainment.
Spending time with your child reading, discussing, posing questions, investigating and nourishing their interests has a far greater impact on their ability to be resilient, self-confident and articulate.
We want to encourage home learning and expect every child to:
- Read daily and with an adult whenever possible ( or phonics for our younger children)
- Practise times tables
- Practise spellings
- Have conversations around a variety of subjects
To develop children’s responsibility for their home learning teachers will be setting weekly tasks via Mathletics and on Education City. We will be celebrating the children who put the most effort into Mathletics. Please do not worry if your child has no access to the Internet as we will be opening the computer suite for any child who needs to use it or wants to challenge themselves further.
There may be other home learning occasionally set by the class teacher that links into the class learning, especially in years 5 and 6.
This year we are continuing to use parentmail to communicate our weekly blog for each year group. This is one way that you will see what your child will be learning in school and where you could help at home. This is much more effective than homework worksheets for every child. You can make it hands on, fun and engage your children in their learning.
Everyone should
- Read for 20 minutes a day and note in reading diary or phonics practice.
- Learn spelling rules and words (a list of key words are available on the website)
- Practise times tables and counting
- Practise telling the time
Yr 1 upwards
Children can access Mathletics from home
and Education City
We would love you to share your creative ways of home learning through everyday tasks. For example : adding up the cost of a couple of items when you shop or adding up numbers on car number plates etc.
In addition to the information on this page we will be regularly updating the Curriculum subject pages.
Build a love of Reading
Research shows that the most important thing you can do to help your child achieve at school is read with them. Little and often is the key!
There are three things that your child needs to learn to do:
1) Decode words
2) Understand what they have read
3) Enjoy it!
Reading with your child should be enjoyable. The more fun you have, the more likely you are to instil a love of reading. Encourage discussion with your child when reading with them. They will probably ask you some interesting questions, so don’t be afraid to stop reading and explore these further.
These are fantastic sites:
Useful Sites for the primary curriculum
Wellbeing and Mindfulness
Remember that google earth provides lots of excellent ways to learn about the world. There are also excellent resources on youtube that cover all subjects of the curriculum. Simply search for what you are looking for and you will find a wide array of professionals helping learning. Always check the videos before you share with children.
Some of the better maths links are listed under the maths area in the curriculum section.
KS2 National SATs
This is the link to the Gov.uk website. KS1 SAT past papers can be found as well as KS2. Please remember that KS1 SATs are used as a resource to support overall teacher assessment. They are not sat in the same timetabled manner as KS2.
National Maths Expectations by Year group