Chandlers Field

Primary School

Behaviour and Friendship


Kindness stars is our community of children, staff, parents, carers and governors who work together to promote Chandlers Field in being a welcoming, friendly and supportive school -  where children are able to work together to achieve. We have been awarded the gold anti-bullying charter mark.

Members of the community meet at least once a half term to review policies and practices as well as identify new ideas and suggestions to ensure that we continue to provide the best provision at Chandlers Field School.

If you are a parent or carer you are a key part of our team. We look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions on how we can continue to make all our children have a positive school experience. If you wish to share your ideas please contact Mrs Edwards via the school office.


The Anti-Bullying policy is designed to run alongside the Behaviour Policy using the codes, rewards and sanctions set therein. Anti-bullying is taught throughout the year and not just one single event such as anti-bullying week. It is embedded in our PSHE approach, our values and ethos of the school

At Chandlers Field, we aim to provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all our pupils to allow them to learn effectively, improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential.

We believe that all bullying behaviour is unacceptable.

We expect pupils to feel safe in school and on school related journeys. We want them to understand issues relating to safety, such as bullying, and know how to seek support from school should they feel unsafe.

We aim to continue to develop and maintain a community that is free from bullying. If bullying occurs it is dealt with swiftly and sensitively.

We aim to identify incidents of bullying at an early stage and to take them seriously. Evidence is taken impartially and acted upon, with the issue and behaviour being addressed.

Please find below some useful links as well as information leaflets.


Useful Support Links




High Street, West Molesey
Surrey, KT8 2LX

T: 020 8224 4731