Foundation Subjects
Our values led curriculum across the school equips our children with life skills for today and beyond. It provides them with the knowledge, aspirations and the drive to succeed. We deliver a rich and varied curriculum to meet National Curriculum requirements. Children learn within specific subject lessons, cross curricular links, educational visits and in our workshops and assemblies.
We have developed our curriculum to meet the needs of our children. This is to ensure our children build a deep understanding of subject knowledge and a progression of learning skills. The school culture is built on children being given skills in social and emotional learning that embed our values and a #yeswecan attitude.
We use two schemes of work to support the teaching of Personal, Health and Social Education. The schemes we use are Jigsaw and MindUP.
Jigsaw consists of 6 puzzles containing 6 Pieces (lessons). The six puzzles in Jigsaw are;
Autumn 1: Being Me in My World
Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference (including Anti-Bullying)
Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
Spring 2: Healthy Me
Summer 1: Relationships
Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Children learn and develop strategies for keeping themselves physically and emotionally safe including road safety, safety in the environment and safety online.
Mind Up helps to make the school a happier and safer place for all children by teaching children about the key parts of the brain and the science behind how the brain influences their thinking, emotions and behaviour in the setting of a mindful community. Further information is available under the MindUp tab.
We continually review our curriculum. This year we have implemented a new scheme of work that we have adapted for our children in Art, Design and Technology and Computing called Kapow. We will also continue with our Delight programmes: Art with the Watts Gallery; Shakespeare with Guildford Shakespeare Company. We are also on our journey to be an Artsmark school.
Attached are our most recent subject overviews.