Chandlers Field

Primary School

School Council

At Chandlers Field we value the ideas, creativity and voice of our children. Through the School Council we gather the ideas of the children from across the school. Our School Council will enable pupils with positive attitudes to exert a positive influence.  Everyone will benefit from the work of the School Council.

Every child votes for two people to represent their class - a councillor and a deputy. The school council meet every two weeks to discuss different aspects of school life. They will then share their discussions with their class and communicate the decisions agreed at the meeting.

In Autumn 2023, the School Council Campaign was launched on Monday 18th September with an assembly explaining what democracy is, the role of the School Councillor, and how to stand for election.  The children then campaigned for just over a week, presenting final speeches on Tuesday 26th September.

On Wednesday 27th September, all children were given voting slips and went to the Albert Hall, where polling booths were set up, and they cast their vote and put it in the central ballot box.  The results of the elections are posted below:


Latest News:


Today we talked about the road and water safety assemblies that the children have had over the past few weeks.  The children were able to identify how to keep themselves safe in the water and when along the roads, and are going to talk to their classes to make sure that they have also remembered how to keep safe.

Previous news:


The term of office for School Councillors is coming to a close as we are now in the last half-term of the academic year.  We talked a lot about re-election today and what the councillors could do to be re-elected in the autumn.  Some children thought you couldn't stand for election again if you had already been a councillor, but Mrs Coombs reminded councillors that as a school council we loosely mirror what happens in Parliament, where MPs are currently standing to be re-elected in the form of the General Election.  Mrs Coombs made it clear that all school councillors are welcome to stand for re-election in the autumn term.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Article 3

The councillors have been examining Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that "In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration."

During our school council meeting, we discussed what that means and why it is important that those taking decisions on behalf of children should have their best interests as the first consideration. Councillors will be leading a discussion about Article 3 during their class assemblies next week.



Councillors have worked very hard on promoting the importance of consistent attendance at school.  As a result, whole school attendance improved over the last half term.  The Councillors fed back that their classmates are really motivated by the attendance rewards, and this is really reflected in the improved attendance data!  Well done Councillors!


The children discussed ideas from the Voice Box and will feed back to classes next week which suggestions will be taken forward.

Attendance has improved! The winning classes have been Wimbledon, Bond Street, Bloomsbury and Southbank.

The councillors will be conducting a reading questionnaire in the playground next week.  Ask your child if they have participated!


We have discussed attendance and how it can be improved. Ask your child what we are doing in school to make attendance even better!


Citizenship Awards have been launched and the school council will be reminding children that they need to complete the awards over a period of time, not just tick one statement off.  There have been lots of ideas for clubs and running clubs from the upper years and we are excited to see a variety of clubs being proposed.


School Councillors will be checking all the reading corners and ensure that there are allocated librarians in each class that can keep the areas tidy, inviting, and easy to access.  

Coming soon.....the brand new Citizenship Awards: The Dexter Award (Years 1 and 2); The Wilson Award (Years 3 and 4); and the McFarlane Award (Years 5 and 6).  Ask your School Councillor what you have to do to obtain the award!


After UK Parliament Week, children across the school participated in a debate.  The topic was "The school day should be shorter by one hour - do you agree or disagree?".  The children had a great time debating the topic. 


We are very pleased to announce that Dominic Raab MP will be visiting us on Thursday 9th November as part of UK Parliament Week!  As part of our investigations into what our local MP does, he will be participating in a question and answer session with the School Council, and meeting with Key Stages 1 & 2.  


UK Parliament Week runs from 6-10 November 2023 and the children from Chandlers Field School will be participating.  We had a fabulous discussion around what activities the children across the school could do.  The Councillors voted for: 1) participating in a debate, and 2) finding out more about their local MP.  Keep an eye on the newsletter at the end of UK Parliament Week to find out what the children discovered!


Our second meeting was held on Friday 13th October.  We elected our Chair and Vice Chair.  Congratulations to Raheem who was voted in as Chair, and Bithu who was voted in as Vice Chair.  The next meeting will be this Friday, 20th October.


We had our first school council meeting on Friday 29th September. The councillors were fantastic at working together and came up with some wonderful ideas for fundraising, how we can make our school a better place, and what makes a good school councillor. 


Minutes from our meetings are attached below.




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Surrey, KT8 2LX

T: 020 8224 4731